It's in the name.

EssentialsX is the essential plugin suite for Minecraft servers, with over 130 commands for servers of all size and scale.

All you can eat, and then some.

With over 130 commands, EssentialsX provides one of the most comprehensive feature sets out there, providing teleportation, moderation tools, gameplay enhancements and more.

Just want the homes and warps? Great. Need a sign shop? Done. Want complex and rich kits with enchantments, custom books and lore? Sorted.

Whether you're a small group of friends or a huge server with hundreds of players, we've got the basics covered.

Visit the wiki

Free, for everyone, forever.

Developed by the community as an open source project for over 8 years, EssentialsX is completely free to use - as in free beer and free speech.

We're supported through community donations on our Patreon page. No corporate sponsors, no intrusive advertisments, no paywalls.

Not only is EssentialsX free, but the source code is available for anyone to modify and improve, and we accept improvements to code on GitHub and new translations on Crowdin.

Join the community

Compatible with just about everything.

Built for the Paper and Spigot platforms with compatibility in mind, EssentialsX works seamlessly alongside thousands of other plugins.

Plus, many plugins hook into EssentialsX's various features like economy, ignores, mutes and vanish through our API.

With support for the latest rich text features, you can customise EssentialsX to your liking, with clickable links, hover text and RGB colours!

Get started with EssentialsX