Creating custom text commands

EssentialsX's text commands can be edited through text files in the plugins/Essentials directory. Simply run the command in-game once, then you'll find the corresponding text file inside plugins/Essentials to edit it.

NOTE: as of writing, custom text files don't support MiniMessage yet. Support will be added soon.

For example, here's the default motd.txt:

&6Welcome, {PLAYER}&6!
&6Type &c/help&6 for a list of commands.
&6Type &c/list&6 to see who else is online.
&6Players online:&c {ONLINE} &6- World time:&c {WORLDTIME12}

These files support Keywords as placeholders.

There are several files you can use. Most of these are created when the corresponding command is run (with the exception of help.txt):

File name Usage
book.txt Used to define custom book contents - see below
custom.txt Displayed when a user runs /customtext - we recommend custom command aliases for this
help.txt If this file exists, it will override the contents of /help (by default this is your server's command list)
info.txt Displayed when a user runs /info
motd.txt Displayed when a user joins with the essentials.motd permission and in /motd
rules.txt Displayed when a user runs /rules

Creating text commands with multiple pages

You can create custom text commands with named pages. To add a chapter within a text file, add a new line containing #<chapter name>.

For example, the following rules.txt file would create both a default /rules chapter and a separate /rules chat chapter:

These are the rules when playing on the server:
1. Don't steal pufferfish
2. Don't dig up sand beaches
Before chatting, make sure you check the chat rules: /rules chat

When chatting, these are the rules:
1. Don't swear
2. Don't say mean things about JRoy

When a chapter overflows the text box, EssentialsX will split it into multiple pages, which can be accessed by running /<command> [page].

Creating custom books in book.txt

Custom books can be created and edited similarly to custom text commands.

First, similar to chapters above, create a new chapter inside book.txt for your book:


Once upon a time, in a land not that far away, a man called JRoy embarked on an adventure that would shape the destiny of his virtual realm.
JRoy was an intrepid explorer in the world of EssentialsX, a vast and dynamic landscape where plugins and commands ruled.
Tales of his epic journey spread far and wide, capturing the imaginations of players and server administrators alike.

You can then use the book:<chapter> ItemMeta tag to create this book:

  • /give mdcfe writtenbook 1 title:JRoy's_Adventure author:Chester book:story
  • /item writtenbook 1 title:JRoy's_Adventure author:Chester book:story
  • In kits.yml: - writtenbook 1 title:JRoy's_Adventure author:Chester book:story

Customising /help

You can customise EssentialsX's /help command using either config options or a custom help.txt file.

You can edit the non-ess-in-help and hide-permissionless-help options in config.yml.
These control whether /help will display non-Essentials commands and whether it will show commands to players when it can't check permissions for the command respectively.

You can also replace /help with custom text as shown above.

Overriding custom text files for specific groups and users

Per-group and per-player overrides can be created for all the above text files, to create a different set of chapters for different players.

You can override text files for a specific player by creating a info_<username>.txt file under plugins/Essentials/.

Similarly, you can override text files for users in a particular primary group by creating a new file called info_<groupname>.txt.
This relies on players having the correct primary group assigned in their permissions plugin.

Note: LuckPerms allows groups to have a custom "display name". This changes the name visible to EssentialsX and other plugins, and will stop per-group text files from working as expected.
We strongly recommend that you use group prefixes and suffixes for chat formatting instead of custom group display names.